Getting Started with Delta with Deep Learning

Adding Delta to Your Project

To add the Delta library to your Rust project, you need to include it in your Cargo.toml file. Follow these steps:

  1. Open your project’s Cargo.toml file.
  2. Add the following line under [dependencies]:
deltaml = "0.1.0"

Currently, we have published Delta to deltaml, but note that this is still experimental in alpha stage so things might break in the upcoming iterations.

Delta Usage Example

1. Create the main Function

We start with an empty asynchronous main function using #[tokio::main].

async fn main() {
println!("Starting the Delta example...");

2. Define a Neural Network

Next, we create a neural network using Delta’s Sequential model.

let mut model = Sequential::new()
.add(Flatten::new(Shape::from(IxDyn(&[32, 32, 3])))) // CIFAR-10: 32x32x3 -> 3072
.add(Dense::new(128, Some(ReluActivation::new()), true)) // Input: 3072, Output: 128
.add(Dense::new(10, Some(SoftmaxActivation::new()), false)); // Output: 10 classes

3. Compile the Model

Before training, we need to compile the model by defining the optimizer and loss function.

let optimizer = Adam::new(0.001);
model.compile(optimizer, MeanSquaredLoss::new());

4. Load the Dataset

Now, we load the CIFAR-10 dataset for training, validation, and testing.

let mut train_data = Cifar10Dataset::load_train().await;
let val_data = Cifar10Dataset::load_val().await;
let test_data = Cifar10Dataset::load_test().await;
println!("Train dataset size: {}", train_data.len());

5. Train the Model

We train the model using the loaded training data.

let epoch = 10;
let batch_size = 32;
match train_data, epoch, batch_size) {
Ok(_) => println!("Model trained successfully"),
Err(e) => println!("Failed to train model: {}", e),

6. Validate the Model

After training, we validate the model using the validation dataset.

match model.validate(&val_data, batch_size) {
Ok(validation_loss) => println!("Validation Loss: {:.6}", validation_loss),
Err(e) => println!("Failed to validate model: {}", e),

7. Evaluate the Model

Finally, we evaluate the model on the test dataset.

let accuracy = model.evaluate(&test_data, batch_size).expect("Failed to evaluate the model");
println!("Test Accuracy: {:.2}%", accuracy * 100.0);

8. Save the Model

Once satisfied with the model, we save it to a file for later use.


9. Full Example

async fn main() {
// Create a neural network
let mut model = Sequential::new()
.add(Flatten::new(Shape::from(IxDyn(&[32, 32, 3])))) // CIFAR-10: 32x32x3 -> 3072
.add(Dense::new(128, Some(ReluActivation::new()), true)) // Input: 3072, Output: 128
.add(Dense::new(10, Some(SoftmaxActivation::new()), false)); // Output: 10 classes
// Display the model summary
// Define an optimizer
let optimizer = Adam::new(0.001);
// Compile the model
model.compile(optimizer, MeanSquaredLoss::new());
// Loading the train and test dataset
let mut train_data = Cifar10Dataset::load_train().await;
let test_data = Cifar10Dataset::load_test().await;
let val_data = Cifar10Dataset::load_val().await;
println!("Training the model...");
println!("Train dataset size: {}", train_data.len());
let epoch = 10;
let batch_size = 32;
match train_data, epoch, batch_size) {
Ok(_) => println!("Model trained successfully"),
Err(e) => println!("Failed to train model: {}", e),
// Validate the model
match model.validate(&val_data, batch_size) {
Ok(validation_loss) => println!("Validation Loss: {:.6}", validation_loss),
Err(e) => println!("Failed to validate model: {}", e),
// Evaluate the model
let accuracy = model.evaluate(&test_data, batch_size).expect("Failed to evaluate the model");
println!("Test Accuracy: {:.2}%", accuracy * 100.0);
// Save the model"model_path").unwrap();